Support Services
We’ve always been proud to take the stance that the customer is the “lifeblood of our business”. This business model has always been built from the foundation of support. We want to continue this tradition by offering 3 tiers of personalized services. This means even if you have not purchased a device or service from us initially we can assist you.
The way it will work is you will pick the tier of service or support you want. Then you pay for the package and schedule a time and day for our #Teamboxxmen member to connect with you. We will simply use an application to remotely connect to your device and assist you with fulfilling the package support that you’ve purchased.
Setting up and media device or service that you purchased. With our assistance and you provision of the information needed from who you purchased it from we will get you up and running. We will remotely connect to your device and use your information to get you all set up.
$75.00Book Now
We will do everything in package #1 but then we will add some clean up and diagnostics. Meaning we will look at all the apps on your device and clean up all the bloated apps you don’t need. We will also take a look at the memory and cache to make sure your device is running at a more optimal level.
$100.00Book Now
Does all that package #1 and package #2 offers but this is where will offer our expertise and experience. We will recommend better devices and apps to assist you moving forward. We have helped thousands of satisfied customers tailor our suggestions so you set up the best streaming experience that can benefit you moving forward.
$125.00Book Now
#TEAMBOXXMEN is a support service to assist consumers on setting up their media devices, internet streaming services. Along with that we offer packages of additional technical support and consultation around the customer’s direction. It is up to the customer to not only search out, and certify that the information does fit their customer situation. #TEAMBOXXMEN will not be held liable for any equipment failure or other external happenings outside of the time and package paid for by the customer. After the successful session all liability ends and #TEAMBOXXMEN is not subject to any damages